Applied Science Jobs

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Engineering Manager II - Applied Science  

TomTom - Berlin, Germany

It’s all about getting the best out of both worlds – we ask TomTom’ers to come to the office two days a week, and the remaining three are free to be worked in either location.Improve your home office with... Applied Science Karriere...

von: - Vor 9 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Science IngenieurTeam Science
Applied Scientist, Operations Compliance Risk (ORC) Science  

Amazon Europe Core - Luxemburg, Germany

Are you ready to make a global impact with your expertise in Machine Learning, Statistics, and Multimodality? Amazon is looking for an innovative and driven Applied Scientist to join our team and help... Applied Science jobsuche...

von: - Vor 11 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Master Of ScienceScience Manager
Research Associate & Team Leader – Edge Computing Platform Development (m/w/d)  

Fachhochschule Dortmund - 44137 Dortmund, Deutschland

We encourage applications of qualified persons with severe disabilities and persons with disabilities with equivalent status in accordance with section 2 of the German Social Security Code (SGB) IX. We... applied science manager...

von: - Heute

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Development ScienceMedical Science
Research Associate – Edge Computing (Communications) (m/w/d)  

Fachhochschule Dortmund - 44137 Dortmund, Deutschland

We encourage applications of qualified persons with severe disabilities and persons with disabilities with equivalent status in accordance with section 2 of the German Social Security Code (SGB) IX. We... robotics applied science manager...

von: - Heute

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Bereich Life ScienceScience Sales
Principal Data Scientist (d/f/m)  

Flexa - Munich, Germany

I'm Sebastien Schikora, serving as the CTO at Flexa since the beginning. My diverse career journey has provided me with a range of experiences with a deep dive in the energy industry and the functioning... robotics applied science manager berlin...

von: - Gestern

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Data ScientistIT Life Science
Research Associate – Edge Computing (IT-Systems) (m/w/d)  

Fachhochschule Dortmund - 44137 Dortmund, Deutschland

We encourage applications of qualified persons with severe disabilities and persons with disabilities with equivalent status in accordance with section 2 of the German Social Security Code (SGB) IX. We... applied science manager berlin...

von: - Heute

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Science ChemieScientist Science
Professur (Bes. Gr. W2 HBesG) für das folgende Fachgebiet: "Quantitative Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung und Data Literacy"  

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences - 60318 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland

Vorausgesetzt wird ein abgeschlossenes sozialwissenschaftliches Hochschulstudium sowie eine einschlägige Promotion, vorzugsweise in Sozialer Arbeit, Soziologie, Erziehungswissenschaften oder vergleichbarem... applied science robotics ai...

von: - Vor 4 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Manager Data ScienceBachelor Chemie
Co-founder (m/w/d) with a Computational Linguistics background  

mine&make GmbH - Stuttgart, Germany

The job of a co-founder and the full ownership of the Development Operations: Development of a unique AI solution (with proven technical feasibility and business concept) Hi, we are looking for a Co-founder... manager applied science robotics ai...

von: - Gestern

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Life Science ProjekteSenior Science
Scientific Officer (m/f/d)  

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Mainz, Germany

You will be employed on the basis of the Collective Agreement for the Public Service of the Federal States (TV-L), in accordance with your personal qualifications and the associated activities up to pay... applied science intern computer vision...

von: (+1 Quelle) - Vor 2 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Senior Data ScienceMedical
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) für das DFG-Projekt "Consequences of heterogeneous inequality aversion in climate coalition models and integrated assessment mo  

Hochschule Bochum - 44787 Bochum, Deutschland

Bewerbungen werden bis zum 06.02.2025 ausschließlich über unser Online-Bewerbungsportal unter entgegengenommen. Über uns: WEBSITE www.hochschule-bochum.deWirtschaftswissenschaften... zalando applied science manager...

von: (+1 Quelle) - Vor 7 Tagen

Ähnliche Stellenanzeigen: Manager Life ScienceScientist

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Applied Science